If you formed a new band and already have a band.You will know exactly I am talking about .
Do or don't
  • First rule of the band is Time punchuality it is not for one certain person it is for each and everyone of the members.
  • Try to know the bandmates and create a bond between eachother and be true to each you can raise your voice for your opinion and idea.
  • Stay away from the needless things.What I m trying to say is most of starters they watch their favorite musician and see their lifestyles and drugs .So they start doing it too I don't want to be rude but first become something then u can do whatever you want but drugs kills a musician not just health the clreativity too
  • Do not listen to other people who know nothing about music and judge you and try to change you .The main focus should giving your creation to people be different because there are millions of bands out there making the mistakes .spmet some they get famouse for few days.Then it's end of it . Because they lost their creative edge .
  • As a band you should be loyal if someone makes mistakes in the band speak in front of him.Do not raise your voice and try to talk it out it helps.Because pressure can not solve anyyhing.
  • My next point is live and studio work is two separate things.Everything can be good at jamming you're sure of everything when you go live you don't find your sound .you just don't what happened.Even if it is good it will not spund good in your input moniter .And when you go live you have to stay focused.I assume you have watched alot live shows with great stage presence.But what you don't know is .It will come with experience.Studio work is different than jamming it will cost you a lot of money if you think you can all do it together.First touch have record a rythum instrument or drums.Because you will need a direction and the beat to record anything .For drums recording I want you to know that do your beats with certain part .You just can not record a whole song in one take.You should always remember that .Drums takes a lot of hours in recording and that way you can save few hours for you and your band.Whenever a guitarist is recording something and sometimes you don't able to do it and you are keep trying to do it .It is wrong stop it right there take a break and gather your breath and start again and vocalist should know that singing live and singing in a dead room studio completely different and when you are satisfied with your recording do not look back and let the sound engineer to do his work.
  • Stay away from the thing called big ego Because no one is perfect musicians life is all about learning and respecting the opinion of other person.So have no ego because it can downgrade your respect to a lot of people.
  • If you're are a musician you know the route is never easy and you will need expenses of gears and recording and more .so find a part time of any kind of job.It is must required thing to be a musician
  • Later on you won't have to work you will be paid for what you do .so stay calm and keep rocking


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