It is quite hard when you don't know which direction to go.And it's frustrating and time consuming too.But there is a chance if you follow the discipline and make your ears strong.And try to learn by yourself.For example if you are using a certain software recommended by your friend. And you wanna use it but you don't know ? Believe even a musician gets into a trouble when he starts to pick a path for himself.It ain't easy too.
These are five tips for you to get started from 0 knowledge
These are five tips for you to get started from 0 knowledge
- Patience is the key it plays a vital part in a musician's life and so many people give up and end the possibility to archive something good.
- Try to play an instrument well i know i said start from 0 but you must think that how you gonna know the sound if you do not play it .It can be a basic knowledge about that instrument and chords,keys,scales.Because later on you have to make music for that you have to know about what you gonna make.
- Be a good listener.If you want to learn something you got to listen to music very carefully and notice the instruments and know the name of it .And even if someone who knows about music is sharing his experience you have to listen without saying a word. Music is all about learning and getting experience.Every small knowledge is important
- Have to own a computer or laptop.If you want to make music on softwares you should go for computer and laptop .Because In phones you can not make music.You just can not. people do think that majority of google apps can help you make music .Guess what they are just loops and very limited stuff.It is not helpful.
- Have to own music production and recording software.There are so many option now for you to pick the software you like .But if you want to get started pick software which is not typical or in advance level. Fl Studio and Cubebase is an Ideal option .

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